The Mission of No Mans Zone is the Torah of YHWH.

NMZ was founded as a Ministry on the 70th Jubilee year 2009 the Jewish year 5769. We are the arm and ministry of Eliyahu ha Navi (Elijah the Prophet). The proprietor of NMZ is YHWH, the Melech (King) of the Olam (the Universe).

The Purview of NMZ

Torah (The Hebrew Scriptures).

Brit Chadashah (The Renewed Covenant Scriptures).

Aliyah (The return to Yisra’el).

Kohanim (The restoration of the Priesthood).

Shekinah (The restoration of the Presence).

Mishkan Dawid (The rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David).

Yerushalem (The Restoration of Yerushalem).

The Purpose and Mission of NMZ

NMZ Vision: To Prepare (Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 40:1-9; Yechezkel (Ezekiel) 37).

NMZ Mission: To Restore (Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 61; Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 31).

NMZ Goal: To Commission (Mattityahu (Matthew) 10:5-10; Marqus (Mark) 16:15-18).

The Scope of NMZ








We welcome all faiths and beliefs who desire Emet (Truth) and Binah (Understanding).

The Meaning of NMZ

The name is symbolic of the ministry of Eliyahu haNavi.

The name is connected to the kaballah (mystery) of YHWH’s name.

The name is connected to the Malakim (Angels).

The name is reflective of the zone where YHWH dwells Lo Ish Mekoma.

The name depicts the present Malchut (Kingdom) status of YHWH’s Talmidim (Disciples).

The name is significant of the Torah of YHWH.

The name is indicative of the process of Aliyah (return) to Yisra’el.

The Crescent of NOMANZONE

The meaning of the Mosaic of Hebrew letters:

Yeshua taught that the way to the Malchut (Kingdom) of YHWH is through Teshuvah (Repentance). To enter the Malchut we must go through Mayim (Water). Water is the spiritual bridge between this Olam (World) and the Malchut haShamayim (the Kingdom of Heaven). Through Mikvah (Baptism) we enter the Malchut haShamayim and in His awesome Name YHWH we are saved. The final revelation and goal of this journey is the Eternal Supreme Elohim (The ForeFather) Who is the source and existence.

Our Administration

The arm and administration of  NOMANSZONE is the Royal House of Elohim. We are responsible to the Head of the Royal House of Elohim. The ministry of NOMANSZONE is headed by Eliyahu ha-Navi, the beloved friend and servant of YA. According to the TaNaK Malachi (Malaki) 4:5-6 Eliyahu returns before the great and dreadful day of Yom YHWH. 

Our Location

The headquarters of NOMANSZONE is located at Levili Apia Samoa. The Council chose this humble country because it is the place where the Foundation Stone of the Earth is located at Falelupo Savaii (See Enoch 18:1-2). From here YHWH measured the Earth and placed the gateway into the underworld where all souls are kept for regeneration. It is also the area of underwater refuge in the final judgment of Yom YHWH when time is complete.  For this reason, the nation of Samoa holds diplomatic and preferred status in all world functions.