
Tarbut is the Hebrew word for Culture.

The Tarbut is a resource for Torah based teachings on the Culture of Yisra’el. These works are provided free of charge to assist believers in their walk to keep the Torah. NO MANS ZONE does not promote or endorse Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Hasidic or Karaite customs and traditions. They are provided here solely as a help or guide.

It is of importance that we understand that no customs and traditions takes president over, or is superior to or supersedes the Scriptures. It is therefore, the responsibility of every believer to search out the Scriptures for their finality on every matter.


This teaching explores the original design, customs, of Torah marriage.

The Ketubah is a Sample Marriage Contract issued by the Royal House of Elohim.

The Marriage Covenant Celebration is an Order for a Torah Marriage officiated by the Kohen.

The Jewish Wedding Ceremony Rabbi Mordechai Becher

The Jewish Wedding Chaplin Shlomo Shulman

Ha Ba’al Brit Hagigah – The Marriage Covenant Celebration – NMZ

Torah Marriage – NMZ

The Royal House of Elohim Ketubah Sample


This teaching explores the Commandment of the Prayer Shawl.

Torah Tallit – NMZ


This teaching explains the Commandment of Muzuzah and its implementation.

Mezuzah Commandment – NMZ